
Bluestacks 2 black screen
Bluestacks 2 black screen

bluestacks 2 black screen
  1. #Bluestacks 2 black screen how to
  2. #Bluestacks 2 black screen drivers
  3. #Bluestacks 2 black screen update
  4. #Bluestacks 2 black screen driver

Step 3: Select Safe Mode with Networking. Step 2: Choose Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart.

#Bluestacks 2 black screen update

Step 1: Press Windows + I > Update & Security > Recovery at left pane > Restart now at right pane. Step 2: Right-click on it and choose Uninstall device > Uninstall. Step 1: Press Windows + X > Device Manager.

bluestacks 2 black screen

#Bluestacks 2 black screen drivers

Reinstall Graphics Card Driversįollow the below steps check to see if graphics card drivers are not corrupted or outdated: Update BlueStacks to the latest version and see if it fixes the Blue Screen Error. Step 2: Select Windows features on or off > Hyper-V and uncheck it. Step 1: Type Windows Features in the search field. You only need this feature if you are running a virtual machine on a PC, follow the below steps to disable Hyper-V.

bluestacks 2 black screen

Use an antivirus like Bitdefender which won’t interfere with BlueStacks and also protect PC from viruses. If not, completely remove the antivirus and see if it works. Disable certain features or the entire antivirus while using BlueStacks and see if the problem is fixed. Some of the antivirus software interferes with BlueStacks. Here are troubleshooting steps to resolve BlueStacks’ Blue Screen of Death error or Blue Screen problem in the Windows operating system permanently.

#Bluestacks 2 black screen driver

In case you do not work on the above, you can update the graphics driver to the latest version according to the article 2 simple ways to update VGA driver for computer monitor, laptop.Did you ever face BlueStacks Blue Screen Error on your PC? These errors are very common for BlueStacks users.

#Bluestacks 2 black screen how to

We click Restart now to restart the computer.Ībove is how to fix blue screen error when playing Android game on computer using Bluestacks emulator software. When the computer interface appears the Windows completed the requested changes, it means that the process to disable the Hyper-V feature has been completed. Users will need some time for the system to complete the Hyper-V function on the computer. We need to disable this feature on the computer. This feature supports emulation on Windows computers, but when enabled the feature will cause a blue screen error on Bluestacks. Next, click Turn Windows features on or off on the left side of the application uninstall interface on Windows.Īppears the Windows features interface. Switch to the next interface, and click on Programs and Features. In Control Panel interface, we click on Uninstall a programs item. Step 1:Īt the search bar on Windows, we type the keyword Control Panel to open the Control Panel. In the article below, we will guide you how to fix blue screen error when playing games on Bluestacks. Just like the black screen error of Bluestacks, the blue screen error makes the player feel uncomfortable, unable to see the screen and control the characters playing. One of them is a blue screen error when playing games with Bluestacks. However, in the process of installing and using Bluestacks, users will often encounter some problems affecting the use and play of Android games on computers through this software. In it, Bluestacks is the most famous software. To be able to experience the game space and rich application of Google Play Store repository right on your computer, we will use the Android OS emulator program.

Bluestacks 2 black screen